If you want your carpets to last, then you need to vacuum them regularly, to keep your carpet’s looking good.
Carpets act as a filter, they trap airborne dirt and particles, and prevent you from breathing, these harmful contaminates.
Scientist have found, your carpet will absorb its own weigh in dirt within 6 months.
To stop the filth saturating your carpets, you need a programmed cleaning plan. (This includes Deep Vacuuming and Steam Cleaning).
Vacuuming will slow down the abrasive damage, by removing most of the dirt before you grind it into your carpets with your shoes.
With the build up of oils in your carpet, the dirt and grime binds to your carpet’s pile. The sharp grit attacks your carpets pile, making it look dull and lifeless.
Vacuuming is vital to protect your carpet and keep it healthy, but it’s not enough.
Let’s have look under a microscope, to see what happens when you vacuum your carpets.
(Photos from the CSRIO)
Scanning electron microscope study of the soiling of carpet fibres – CSRIO
Wool Carpet Fibres after Vacuuming
Acrylic Carpet Fibres after Vacuuming
Nylon Carpet Fibres after Vacuuming
Note: the relative ineffectiveness of the vacuuming for removing the soil (CSRIO)
Wool fibres soil less and vacuum-clean better than other carpet fibres. Soil particles (2-5 microns in diameter) are held in the interlobal concavities of Nylon and Acrylic fibres.
So you can see why you need to steam clean your carpets, because vacuuming still leaves unwanted residue in your carpet.
The reason professional carpet cleaners use powerful machines with hot steam injection, because you need the heat to loosen up the dirt & grime.
Elevated temperatures increase the cleaning effectiveness and require less solvent to dissolve the dirt away. The heat melts the grime, making it easier for the soapy water to penetrate, and capture the unwanted dirt, (by as much as 10 times).
The hotter the temperature of the solution, the faster it dissolves the stubborn dirt embedded in your carpet.
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